
Five parts for a healthy daily wash

Water to clean the vulva
The vulva is to prevent the first portal of reproductive tract infections, genital infection, direct invasion of the vagina, further is the uterine cavity, fallopian tubes, and so on. Therefore, experts recommend: daily cleaning of the vulva. The right way: daily cleaning, the first dedicated clean wash basin, put cold Banpen, the rub Yin towels put together a pot, boil 5-10 minutes, to be water-cooled to not hot, washing the vulva, it would have meant with sterile water and towels to clean the vulva, to avoid infection, play a role in the protection of vaginal self-cleaning.
Warm water cleaning breast
Modern medicine, breast, sebaceous and sweat glands, grease is the areola of the breast skin surface under the sebaceous glands.
The experts pointed out that the frequent use of soap class clean items will be washed away by mechanical and chemical action of the keratinized layer of the skin surface cells and promote cell division and proliferation. Keeping the removal of these keratinized cells, will damage the protective layer of the skin surface, the epidermis swelling, this swelling is caused due to local breast is too dry, bond, and cell loss. Night repeated use of soap and other cleaning materials, is easy to to alkalization breast local skin, local breast skin to re-covered with a protective layer, and to restore the acidification of the environment, you need to spend some time. Soap, the skin surface alkalization, also promotes skin alkaline flora proliferation, but also makes the breast local acidification becomes difficult. In addition, cleaning with soap, to wash away the protection of local breast skin lubricating substances - oils and fats.
Therefore, in order to fully maintain the health of the local breast is best to choose a warm water cleaning.
Warm water, brush your teeth
People's teeth in the temperature of 35 to 36.5 ℃ in order to carry out normal metabolism. About 35 ℃ warm water is a benign oral protective agent, and use this water to gargle, can lead to a refreshing and comfortable taste. If you regularly give teeth to cold and heat stimulation, it may cause bleeding gums, dental pulp nerve spasm or other dental problems.
Cold water wash
Wash your face with cold water, not only conducive to health, but also conducive to the beauty. Because the cold water stimulation can improve facial blood circulation, increase skin elasticity, eliminate or reduce facial wrinkles. Cold water wash can also train a person's tolerance to cold, flu prevention, the incidence of rhinitis, neurasthenia, nervous headache patients also had benefits. Of course, wash your face with cold water temperature should not be too appropriate to about 10 ℃.
Hot feet
Feet with hot water, expansion of blood vessels, local blood flow faster, thus increasing the supply of lower extremity nutrition. Many points of the human foot, the feet of the process is the process of acupressure. Before going to bed with hot feet, both clean and sanitary, but also to relieve fatigue, but also play a role in preventing and curing diseases. Adhere to the feet with hot water in winter, frostbite prevention. People suffering from insomnia and foot varicose veins, and every night with hot feet, and can reduce symptoms, to sleep. Of course, the washing water is not too hot, not to exceed 45 ℃ is appropriate.

