
Health must know more than 11 and 11 less

On snacks
More fruit, less sugar
Sugar too much, make the risk of diabetes increased. Eat more fruits can reduce the risk of stroke, but also anti-cancer.
Multi-tea less smoke
Tea benefits on the human body, thirst, eliminating fatigue, Liver eyesight, but also anti-cancer, anti-aging, longevity and so on. Smoking can make a variety of tissues and organs to produce physiological and biochemical changes, so that the oxygen drop in blood pressure, decreased immune function, resulting in the generation of a variety of diseases.
More water less alcohol
The consumption of a variety of cold water can promote metabolism, increase blood hemoglobin levels, improved immune function. The habit of drinking cold water of the in vivo oxygen activity was increased, the accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue to reduce, not easy to feel fatigue. The elderly to drink a cup of cold water every morning, the course of time can produce the magical efficacy of longevity. Heavy drinking can damage the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause ulcers, stomach bleeding and liver injury induced heart disease and stroke drink pregnancy may cause birth defects or mental retardation.
On diet
More vegetables and less meat
The flesh-eating too much will lead to blood lipids, elevated blood viscosity, and overweight. And vegetables not only taste delicious, but also soften the blood vessels, increased capillary flexibility, heat and detoxifying, anti-aging.
More chew Eat
Chewing will not only help digestion, but also people's prevalence greatly reduced, to help health. Index finger less appropriate to increase the number of diet, to reduce each of the appetite, thus reducing the burden of gastroenteritis.
On taste
Multi-vinegar salt
Salt too many people susceptible to hypertension, stroke, kidney disease. The daily amount of drink vinegar, useful for high blood pressure and atherosclerosis people.
On mood
Laugh a little angry
Anger, beverages, likely to cause brain disorders, confused thoughts, bad mood, upset the body balance. Anger can lead to toxins accumulate in the body, makes Life Lost.
Cares and sorrows can not change anything, but it will also affect the balance of the body-conditioning systems. Lack of sleep will affect the body's immune function, and make people more vulnerable to disease infestation. Usually sleep 8 hours a day is appropriate.
Appropriate reduction in the clothes, the body gradually adapt to the environment, enhance the contraction and expansion function of the skin capillaries and improve the ability to prevent disease. Appropriate massage bath allows the skin smooth blood, reduce fatigue, refreshing.
On exercise
More practice and medicine
The health of a person, first of all rely on self-care, can not rely on the doctors prescribe. Not only to exercise, more importantly, develop optimistic of doing things, cheerful mental health outlook on life.
Hyperactivity less stop
Life is movement, movement helps to regulate body balance, strengthen the immune system. Lazy is easy to cause mental retardation, body deterioration of the quality, susceptibility to mental illness.

